The Rondomat is a sensor-controlled automatic feeder for piglets that helps ensure a smooth post-weaning transition to feed. The weaned piglets are given immediate access to clean, fresh feed without having to learn how to operate a feed trough system.

This prevents the dip often experienced by piglets after weaning. The result is piglets in optimal health with good, fast growth.

  • For quick and healthy piglet growth

  • Prevents 'weaning-dip'

  • Reduces waste feed

  • Up to 35g (1.2 ounce) higher growth per day

  • Uniform piglet weight



Seeing someone else eat encourages the appetite – and the same applies to piglets. Smaller piglets in particular benefit from access to a larger feeding place.

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A feeding place in the pen that can be easily accessed by all the animals ensures better feed intake by the piglets in the first weeks post-weaning. Up to 20 piglets can eat at the Rondomat feeder at the same time.