Improving Pig Health and Performance with Smart Feeding Systems
Smart feeding systems are a vital component of modern farming. They are designed to provide pigs with the necessary nutrients and energy to support their growth and development. In the past, the manual feeding methods used were often labour-intensive and imprecise. Today, smart feeding systems have emerged as innovative solutions for pig feeding. Smart feeding systems utilize advanced technology to provide accurate feeding that ensures all pigs receive the correct amount of feed for their specific needs. These systems are fully automated and can be customized to meet the specific needs of different pig breeds and production systems.Smart feeding systems help improve pig health and performance. They collect and analyze data on pig feeding behaviour and performance, which can be used to optimize feeding programs, improve feed conversion efficiency, and identify any potential health or welfare issues. Pig farmers can optimize feed management, improve pig performance, and increase profitability with smart feeding systems.
Types of Feeding Systems for Pigs
There are several types of feeding systems available for pigs, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most commonly used feeding systems are as follows:Traditional manual feeding systems for pig farming involve feeding pigs by hand. This can often be a labour-intensive and time-consuming process. It involves measuring out the feed and distributing it to each pig in individual feeding troughs or containers. The amount of feed distributed to each pig is often based on visual estimates of the pigs’ size and appetite, which can be inaccurate and lead to over- or underfeeding.Wet feeding systems mix dry feed with water to create a moist mixture for pigs to eat and digest. This system is often used for young pigs and weaners, as it helps to reduce the risk of digestive problems. The main advantage of this system is that it can improve feed intake and growth rates, especially in young pigs. However, it can be more labour-intensive than smart feeding systems and may require more equipment.Step-feeding systems provide pigs with different types of feed at different stages of their growth. This system is often used to improve growth rates and feed efficiency. The main advantage of this system is that it provides pigs with the specific nutrients they need at each stage of growth. However, it can be more complicated to manage than other feeding systems and may require more resources and labour.Smart feeding systems use technology to automate the feeding process, which helps to ensure accurate and consistent feeding. This system is often used in large-scale pig farming operations. The main advantage of this system is that it saves time and labour costs and improves feed efficiency. At Can-Neth, we’ve come up with the best smart feeding systems to meet your farming needs. Based on over thirty years of experience with industry-leading agriculture suppliers, we know what will enhance your farming practices. We’ve partnered with the top agricultural manufacturing companies to come up with products that will provide you with more control over your farming outcomes.
Benefits of Smart Feeding
There are many benefits to using smart feeding systems in your pig houses. By connecting more farmers to our Fancom feeding systems, we help you reduce your overall costs, while also enhancing the quality of your products, as well as improving profitability.Here are some of the benefits of our Fancom feeding systems:Precision feeding: Fancom feeding systems use advanced technology to provide accurate and precise feeding, which helps to ensure that pigs receive the correct amount of feed for their specific needs. This can improve growth rates, reduce feed waste, and help to minimize the risk of health problems related to over- or underfeeding.Automated feeding: Fancom feeding systems are fully automated, which means that pigs can be fed at regular intervals throughout the day without the need for manual intervention. This helps save time and labour costs, and also ensures that pigs have access to fresh feed whenever they need it.Customization: Fancom feeding systems can be customized to meet the specific needs of different pig breeds and production systems. Farmers like you can adjust feeding programs based on factors such as pig age, weight, and health status, and can also adapt to changes in feed availability or market conditions.Monitoring and control: The feeding systems provide real-time monitoring and control of feed consumption and delivery. This allows farmers to track feed usage, identify any issues or discrepancies, and adjust feeding programs as needed. It can also help to prevent overfeeding or underfeeding, which can reduce the risk of health problems and improve overall pig performance.Data analysis: Fancom feeding systems can collect and analyze data on pig feeding behaviour and performance. This information can be used to optimize feeding programs, improve feed conversion efficiency, and identify any potential health or welfare issues. It can also help farmers to make more informed decisions about feed management and production planning.
Our Smart Feeding Systems for Pigs
Fancom Intellitek Systems
Our electronic sow feeding system (ESF) allows you to house your gestating sows in a group so that they have a safe and comfortable environment to live in. This also creates flexibility in how you divide up the house and requires less space. Lower your investment and feed costs, automatically dose the correct ratio of feed to each sow, and ensure your animals are in top condition with Fancom Intellitek Feeding Systems.Benefits:
Efficiently and effectively manage farms
Top sow condition, thereby leading to more piglets
Meet the needs of all the sows
Automatic detection, marking and separation of sows
Reliable technology redefining sow management
The feeding station shows you at a glance how much the sows have eaten and if any feed is left behind. Any necessary adjustments to the feed curve can be made in that section.
Fancom FaroTek Systems
Lacking optimized pig gains and profitable farming results? We can help. Fancom FaroTek Systems are designed for individual feeding in farrow houses. Genetic improvements in sow breeding lead to a higher litter count. Sows must have a higher feed intake in order to produce more milk and at the same time limit body weight loss.Our FaroTek feeding stations allow you to feed sows several times a day according to an individual regime. This optimally utilizes the sow’s feed intake capacity. Benefits:
Higher milk production and therefore more uniform litter
Less metabolic stress (weight loss followed by weight gain)
Reduced mortality rates
Easier return to heat and larger litters at the next farrowing
Lower replacement percentage of sows and improved results thanks to good age distribution in the herd
Fancom RondoMat
Did you know that a feeding place that can be easily accessed by all the animals in the pen ensures better feed intake by the piglets in the first weeks post-weaning? Our Fancom Rondomat system is an easily accessible, sensor-controlled automatic feeder for piglets that helps ensure a smooth post-weaning transition to feed. The weaned piglets get immediate access to clean, fresh feed without having to learn how to operate a feed trough system.Benefits:
Quick and healthy piglet growth
Prevent ‘weaning-dip’
Reduce feed waste
Up to 35g (1.2 ounces) higher growth per day
Uniform piglet weight
Improve pig performance and enhance your production results with our highly efficient Fancom feeding systems for pigs. If you want to know which Fancom feeding systems would work best for your pig farming needs, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re happy to talk about our feeding systems and how we can help optimize your farming process and results.